
Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Twelve Steps to Holiness and Salvation~3 Love of God

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them; 
he it is that loveth me. 
And he that loveth me, shall be loved of my Father: 
and I will love him, 
and will manifest myself to him.
Dark, cold winter days of March persist, yet our hearts are filled with the warmth of Christ's love for us.
John 14:21
Douay Rheims Roman Catholic Bible
     Cold winter days of March may persist, yet our hearts are filled with the warmth of Christ's love for us. Saint Joseph's love of God fueled his passion for the care and protection of Jesus and Mary. May we be inspired, during this month dedicated to Saint Joseph, to keep the flames of God's love burning within our hearts.
     In this chapter, we learn from the saints about experiencing God's love as we appreciate His creation in nature and beauty. The saints spoke clearly about the essence of self-sacrifice and suffering in the love relationship between Jesus and His followers. Desire for God's love, denouncement of attachment to things of the world, self denial and frequent meditation on the passion of Christ are essential in enhancing our love of God.  
     Among the many beautiful quotes from The 12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation are: "All Perfection consists in the love of God; for love is the virtue which unites us most intimately with God. All other virtues are of no account unless they are accompanied by love." "The Lord is generous in the bestowal of His gifts; but He is especially bountiful in giving His love to those who seek it."