
Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Twelve Steps to Holiness and Salvation~12 Self Denial and Love of the Cross

  In December, we commemorate the Immaculate conception of Mary and the Divine Infancy. Mary's life was dedicated to Jesus from the moment of her conception. Jesus gave His life for our salvation.
 Mary was the perfect example of self denial and love of the Cross.
Jesus' passion and death freed us from eternal separation from God. 
     Mary's early life was dedicated to God in humble prayer: her "yes" as the mother of Jesus, her fidelity to Jesus as she followed Him along the Via Crucis. She united her suffering to that of her Son. By her perfect example, we learn to follow Jesus as true Christians. 
     In  The 12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation  Saint Alphonsus Liguori writes that the suffering is a means of atoning for past sins ans well as a proof of love for another." Mary Magdalen de P'Azzi said 'every pain, howsoever great becomes sweet when we contemplate Jesus on the cross.'"
My favorite quote from this chapter is," The best prayer you can say is to resign yourself to the will of God in the midst of your sufferings, uniting your pains to the pains of Jesus Christ and offering them as a sacrifice to God."  Beginning a new year intending the development of virtues described in The 12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation brings to my memory a dear elederly man who suffered many illness and pains at the end of his life. He smiled and spoke of offering these sufferings for his wife, children, relatives and loved ones as well as for the holy souls in purgatory and persons who had hurt him during his life How fortunate are all who are on his "prayer list"! God bless you and Happy New Year!