
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Heliotropium Part 5 of 5

     What should I do when faced with trouble? Shouldn't I go about solving all of my problems on my own? Why should I trust in God's Will? 
     Book 5 of Heliotropium~Conformity of the Human Will to the Divine emphasises the holy sacrifice of trustfully weathering hardship for the love of Christ.
     Loss of health, finances and loved ones, does not equal hopelessness. Mentally replaying the details of problems nourishes anxiety and despair. Forcing solutions according stubborn human schemes leads to an inescapable circular trap. It is like getting lost in a forest and finding oneself in the same place over and over again, like the Hebrews 40 year journey in the desert! Conversely, armed with holy trust in God and a small army of God's design Gideon's Battle was miraculously won.
     Everything that God allows in life is an integral aspect of our spiritual battle. Each cross we carry has the power to draw us more deeply into to the Heart of God. Each suffering God allows directs the footsteps of our souls toward Heaven. Spiritual arrogance measures human plans against the will of our Perfect God. Preferring the errant human will over that of our Omnipotent Creator yields eternal separation from God. Lovingly accepting both the triumphant and the tragic from God expedites our freedom to choose Him above all. Adam was given a perfect life in Eden and disobeyed God. Job responded to loss, illness and rejection with a deeper love for God. 
      The examples of holy men and women of God teach us perseverance in trusting God. No matter how long it took, their undying spirit of praise and grateful adoration helped them to conform their human will to His. They understood that to rely upon on the human will would eventually obliterate all communion with Our Heavenly Father's incomparable love.
     As we gaze without deviation upon the the holy face of Jesus we understand where our trust belongs.
Oh most Glorious and Beautiful Heliotropium! 
The Blessed Sacrament of Jesus
     Contemplating Jesus' submission to God's Will strengthens our desire to trust and obey. His love freely flows into our hearts. Among the rewards of this trust, especially in the midst of sorrow, are hope, compassion and inner tranquility. Patient attendance to prayer and contemplation, longing for God, frequent adoration and reception of the Blessed Sacrament, encouragement, assurance and unconditional forgiveness, flourish within the house of the soul obedient to the will of God. Hearts and souls that adore Jesus instead of focusing upon the self and earthly desires, reflect God's magnificent love to others. God is glorified rather than the self. Imagine a sunflower that only faced itself. It could never grow to be so radiantly lovely. After all, its beauty is a singular reflection of the beauty of God's love.
     Steadfastly embracing the glorious love of Jesus and Mary, our dear friend humbly outshines all darkness, as he patiently faces mounting uncertainty. He incessantly proclaims his trust in Our Heavenly Father's Will. Holding on to the unconditional and eternal love of Jesus has refined our friend's vision of God's will and strengthened his reliance upon Him. In our friend's life, the face of tragedy is sublimely out shined by the Face of Jesus. Inspired by our friend's humble conformity to God's Will, our family's union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus is also fortified. 
    From the fifth part of this five part masterpiece, I have learned that absolute trust in God's Holy and Perfect Will is the remedy for the anxiety that comes with this spiritual battle we know as adversity. How beneficial it is to praise and glorify God throughout ALL that He sends us: health/sickness, love/heartache, wealth/poverty, esteem/rejection. I have learned that the most beneficial task that lies before me is to respond to trouble with faithful, reverent worship of God through Mass, Communion, Eucharistic Adoration and Prayer.  
     May my unceasing prayer be "Thank you Jesus. Thy will be done."
This wonderful book, can be purchased at TAN Books.

Previous Post: Heliotropium Part 4 of 5