
Sunday, December 3, 2017

Valiant Obedience

     Their willingness to die for Jesus was not tempered by popular opinion. Their valiant obedience to God's holy and perfect will was never diminished by violent political opposition to Catholic Truth. Their trust in His unfailing mercy and their unconditional forgiveness of their persecutors continue to inspire a zeal for the Church which Jesus founded.
    Through the enchantingly beautiful operatic masterpiece  ~Dialogues des Carmelites by Francis Poulenc~  we see how a young Carmelite's fear of death is miraculously eclipsed by her love and devotion to Our Blessed Lord. The martyrdom of these valiant and faithful women who gave their lives for their Heavenly Spouse is both inpiring and humbling.
      You may obtain a copy of this work here, @

"And I say to thee,that thou art Peter 
and upon this rock I will build my church 
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Matthew 16:18 Douay Rheims Catholic Bible